a colored header, including:
a label (see Content below).
a close button (unless otherwise specified).
a help button (optional).
a content area, which contains:
a title, describing the action that will be performed. (Optional for Dialog popups only, where space is limited).
the main content including any text, inputs and controls.
Dialog buttons at the bottom of the popup, including:
a primary action button.
a secondary and other action buttons (where relevant).
Verint products should support all devices down to the common tablet size (960px width). For general guidelines, see Fundamentals - Responsive design.
Popups should always remain horizontally and vertically centred, regardless of the screen dimensions.
On large screens popups should remain at their default size.
Where the screen dimensions are smaller than the popup’s height or width, the popup size should be adjusted. A minimum margin of 24px should persist around all four sides of the popup.
When the popup size is reduced and the full content cannot be displayed:
the header text will be truncated with an ellipsis. The full header will be shown in a tooltip on hover.
the elements within the main content area will respond, following their own responsive guidelines. A vertical scrollbar may be added where necessary.