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Step 5 - Configure the settings under the Avaya DMCC node:

Only one of the two entries need to be set (either the IP or the hostname)
Setting NameDescriptionComments
AES IP AddressThe IP Address of the AES server. One Recording Server can only connect to one AES server
AES Port NumberCommunication port of the AES server
AES User NameThe user in AES that has the rights for DMCC to execute the necessary commands
AES User PasswordThe password of the AES User
AES Secure ConnectionSet to Yes if you want the channel between the AES and the Verba server to be secure. In this case, you need to set the Trust Store location and password as a minimum
AES JKS Trust Store FileLocation of the Trust Store. This needs to contain the public certificate of the AES
AES JKS Trust Store File PasswordThe password of the Trust Store
AES JKS Key Store File Location of the Key Store. An additional security layer can be set in the AES. In that case, it will be expecting an additional key, that needs to be added to the Key Store
AES JKS Key Store File PasswordThe password of the Key Store
Communication Manager IP Address The The IP address of your Avaya Communication Manager. If there are ESS servers, then list them

If both the IP Address and Name are specified, then the administration of the H.323 Gatekeeper list for the switch connection (transport link) is not required.

If using releases earlier than AES 6.1, the ESS/LSP servers must be listed too, separated by commas (,) after the primary CM.

In AES 6.1 and later releases, if the ESS/LSP support has been enabled, then the failover is handled by the Avaya DMCC library. This means no intervention from VFC is required, so the ESS/LSP servers must not be configured here.

Communication Manager Name  The The name of your Avaya Communication Manager. If there are ESS servers, then list them separated by commas (,) after the primary CM. Only one of the two entries need to be set (either the IP or the hostname)
AES API VersionDefine the version of the AES
Preferred CodecThe comma (,) separated list of supported codecs
Dependency Mode for Multiple RegistrationDEPENDENT or INDEPENDENT
Registration Retry Interval (seconds)Upon failed registration, the component will wait for this amount of time before trying again
Default Device PasswordThe default password for extensions
Internal Domain, Number PatternA regex pattern that should match the internal directory numbers
Secondary Recording Server Sets whether the Recording Server should be considered as secondary or not
Ignore Recording Rule Entries Without Device PasswordOn the extension configuration page, the password for the extension can be set. If this option is set to yes, then the extensions, where the passwords are not set will not be recorded
Advanced Recording Rules EnabledEnables XML-based advanced recording rules
Enable Beep TonesEnables recording beep tones. The tone frequency can be adjusted in the Avaya Communication Manager SAT with the "change tone-generation" command.
Worker Thread Count Amount of worker threads
Work Folder The system will place temporary files into this folder
