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The Avaya Contact Recorder (ACR) creates audio files of calls that have occurred on your telephone system. Providing the ACR recordings are no longer taking place, these recordings can be migrated to VFC using the ACR Import Source.

The ACR Import Source migrates both ACR-only and ACR+15.2 systems using the native ACR API.

You can migrate both encrypted and unencrypted ACR recordings using the ACR Import Source.

titleMigration Support

The following modalities are supported: Avaya Voice only, version 12.1 or later.

For a general description of VFC Import sources, refer to Import sources.


Configuration Item


NameName your Import Source. This name identifies the source across the system.
TypeSelect ACR.
ACR Hostname or IP Address

Mandatory. Name of ACR CRS.

ACR Port

Mandatory. Port Number of ACR CRS.

TLS Certificate File or ThumbprintOptional certificate file / certificate thumbprint used for the ACR connection.
TLS Key File

Optional file system location where the certificate key is stored.

TLS Key Password

Specify the password for the file that contains the certificate keys.

TLS Trust List

Certificate chain (or Chain of Trust) is made up of a list of certificates that start from a server's certificate and terminate with the root certificate. If your server's certificate is to be trusted, its signature has to be traceable back to its root CA.


Mandatory. ACR user that must be created with API permission before this Import Source is used.

ACR API PasswordMandatory. ACR user password that is set the first time the Import Source is used. Note: The ACR API user must not have a password set when it is created, instead the import source ACR API Password is set and used automatically.
ACR Layout NameMandatory. ACR search layout name created before this Import Source is used.
Lua CDR CustomisationMandatory. Lua script to be executed during VFC CDR creation from ACR call that allows filtering and control of the import. Consult your Verint representative for more details.
ACR TimezoneMandatory. Set to the timezone of the ACR CRS, in case it is in a different timezone from the ingesting VFC server.
Maximum Recording Length (minutes)

Mandatory. Maximum length of any single ACR recording to be ingested. Recordings exceeding the maximum length may not be ingested or an alert generated.

While a larger batch size retrieves more records, it must not exceed the duration of the timeslot available for processing.

Recording Start TimestampMandatory. Start time stamp of the first ACR recording to be migrated.
Recording End TimestampMandatory. Time stamp of the last ACR recording to be migrated.


Metadata Field




Start DateStart date of the conversationStandardYes
Start TimeStart time on the conversationStandardYes
End DateEnd date of the conversationStandardYes
End TimeEnd time of the conversationStandardYes
DurationLength of the conversationStandardYes
UserName of the recorded userStandardYes
FromSubscriber / Third-Party Phone numberStandardYes
From InfoUser / contact nameStandardYes
ToSubscriber / Third-Party phone numberStandardYes
To InfoUser / contact nameStandardYes
DirectionDirection of the call from the system perspective, requires configuring internal number/domain patternsStandardYes
Direction (User)Direction of the call from the recorded user perspectiveStandardYes
From (Verba)VFC user name associated with the From NumberStandardYes
To (Verba)VFC user name associated with the To numberStandardYes
LocationHost name of the recording serverStandardYes
End CauseThe cause for the call ending. Possible values include: Normal, Hold, Transfer, Conference, Device Change, From Terminated, To TerminatedStandardNo
Audio CodecAudio codec of the recorded streamsStandardNo
Video codecVideo codec of the recorded streamsStandardNo
Platform Call IDUnique conversation identifier received from the recorded platformStandardYes
Silence RatioRatio of silence in the conversationStandardNo
Talkover RatioTalkover ratio of the conversationStandardNo
Longest SilenceLength of the longest silence present in the conversationStandardNo
User ID / Agent IDUser IDStandardYes
From DeviceDevice ID of the calling partyStandardNo
To DeviceDevice ID of the called partyStandardNo
Dialed NumberOriginal dialed numberStandardNo
From IPIP address associated with the calling partyStandardNo
To IPIP address associated with the called partyStandardNo
From Proxy IPIP address of the proxy server associated with the caller partyStandardNo
To Proxy IPIP address of the proxy server associated with the called partyStandardNo
Source PlatformACRStandardYes
Conversation TypeVoiceStandardYes
Forward ReasonForward reason for the conversation (for example, forwarded, transferred, team call, or delegated) StandardNo
Recording failedIndicates if the recording has failed and the metadata was imported during CDR reconciliationStandardNo
Media LengthLength of the media file related to the conversation in hhh:mm:ss formatStandardNo
Media ErrorShows the media processing errors during recordingStandardNo
Voice QualityOverall voice quality check score for the conversationStandardNo
Record TypeStandardStandardYes
2N SourceIn duplicate (2N) recording scenarios, records are marked as primary or secondaryStandardNo
UDFsAll standard ACR User Defined FieldsACRYes
AgentsCustomer custom metadataACRYes
ServicesCustomer custom metadataACRYes
SkillsCustomer custom metadataACRYes
Other PartiesCustomer custom metadataACRYes
FingerprintCustomer custom metadataACRYes
