The Avaya Contact Recorder (ACR) creates audio files of calls that have occurred on your telephone system. Providing the ACR recordings are no longer taking place, these recordings can be migrated to VFC using the ACR Import Source.
The ACR Import Source migrates both ACR-only and ACR+15.2 systems using the native ACR API.
Both encrypted and unencrypted ACR recordings can be migrated by the ACR Import Source.
Configuration Item | Description |
Name | Name your Import Source. This name will identify the source across the system. |
Type | Select ACR |
ACR Hostname or IP Address | Mandatory. Name of ACR CRS (Central Replay Server) |
ACR Port | Mandatory. Port Number of ACR CRS (Central Replay Server) |
TLS Certificate File or Thumbprint | Optional certificate file / certificate thumbprint used for the ACR connection. |
TLS Key File | Optional file system location where the certificate key is stored. |
TLS Key Password | Specify the password for the file that contains the certificate keys. |
TLS Trust List | Certificate chain (or Chain of Trust) is made up of a list of certificates that start from a server's certificate and terminate with the root certificate. If your server's certificate is to be trusted, its signature has to be traceable back to its root CA. |
ACR API User | Mandatory. ACR user that must be created with API permission before this Import Source is used. |
ACR API Password | Mandatory. ACR user password that is set the first time the Import Source is used. N.B. The ACR API user must not have a password set when it is created, instead the import source ACR API Password will be set and used automatically. |
ACR Layout Name | Mandatory. ACR search layout name created before this Import Souce is used. |
Lua CDR Customisation | Optional. Lua script to be executed during VFC CDR creation from ACR call that allows filtering and control of the import. See elsewhere on this page for more details. |
ACR Timezone | Mandatory. Set to the timezone of the ACR CRS, in case it is in a different timezone from the ingesting VFC server. |
Maximum Recording Length (minutes) | Mandatory. Maximum length of any single ACR recording to be ingested. Recordings exceeding the maximum length may not be ingested or an alert generated. While a larger batch size retrieves more records, it must not exceed the duration of the timeslot available for processing. |
Recording Start Timestamp | Mandatory. Start timestamp of the first ACR recording to be migrated. |
Recording End Timestamp | Mandatory. Timestamp of the last ACR recording to be migrated. |
As historical recordings may include changes in field layout, data anomalies caused by software bugs and ultimately may not be required due to business re-organisation unit, embedded Lua scripting has been provided to control the migration process.
Use of a Lua script is optional, if not required, the Lua CDR Customisation field should be left empty.
For more information about Lua, please refer to
Use of a Lua script is optional, if not required, the Lua CDR Customisation field should be left empty. Otherwise, the following template is required:
Lua CDR Customisation requires the use of a template:
- The srcValues table first item value is "xml" and the second item value is one record of the xml string returned by the ACR Layout query. This query may return many records and the Lua Customisation script is called for each.
- The dstValues table lists the fields which the Lua CDR Customisation Script may return. Each value to be returned must replace the name of the field passed in the dstValues table.
function compute_cdr(srcValues,dstValues)
return dstValues
Presently, the field names are hardcoded as follows to match the ACR Template, but they could be generic in the future.
inumIndex = 1
startedatIndex = 2
durationIndex = 3
udfsIndex = 4
otherpartiesIndex = 5
ownersIndex = 6
switchcallidIndex = 7
directionIndex = 8
skillsIndex = 9
agentsIndex = 10
servicesIndex = 11
srcNumberIndex = 12
dstNumberIndex = 13
In order to parse the xml string passed in field 2 of the srcValues table, it is advisable to use a Lua XML parsing library such as Xml2Lua
Access to xml2Lua is then possible using this line of Lua:
package.path = "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Professional/vcpkg/packages/lua_x64-windows-static/xml2lua161/?.lua"lib = require "DemoLib"
Xml may then be parsed within the Lua CDR Customisation script using the following pattern:
local xml2lua = require("xml2lua")
local handler = require("xmlhandler.tree")
local parser = xml2lua.parser(handler)
local results = handler.root.results
if #results.result > 1 then
results = results.result
-- Iterate through the XML nodes/values
for i, p in pairs(results) do
local inum = p
for icm,cm in pairs(p.field) do
callMetadataName = cm._attr.inumname
dstValuescallMetadataValue = cm[1] = inum
--local skills = p.field[9][1]
skills = "Unknown"
otherParties = p.field[5][1]
parties = lib.Split(otherParties,",")
numberOfParties = #parties
srcNumber = "Unknown"
dstNumber = "Unknown"
-- <field name="otherparties">0000001(ACRTEST-1), 10000,9999</field>
-- <field name="otherparties">9999</field>
if (numberOfParties == 1) then
srcNumber = parties[1]
dstNumber = skills
elseif numberOfParties == 2 then
srcNumber = parties[1]
dstNumber = parties[2]
srcNumber = parties[2]
dstNumber = parties[3]
return dstValues
if (callMetadataName == "udfs") then
udfs = callMetadataValue
While testing the Lua CDR Customisation script, it is possible to write to a local log using the following Lua function or if preferred in a self-contained environment using
function log(message)
file ="C:/Program Files/Verba/work/cdrimport/luaCustomCDR.log", "a")
-- sets the default output file as test.lua
-- appends a word test to the last line of the file
io.write("!%c") .. " - " .. message .. "\n")
-- closes the open file
Separate libraries may be developed in their own file to aid readability and then referred to by the main Lua CDR Customisation Script, for example
lib = require "DemoLib"
File: "DemoLib.lua"
local demo_mod = {} -- The main table
function demo_mod.Split(s, sep)
local fields = {}
local sep = sep or " "
local pattern = string.format("([^%s]+)", sep)
string.gsub(s, pattern, function(c) fields[#fields + 1] = c end)
return fields
return demo_mod
Import Policy Configuration
Metadata Field | Description | Template | Available |
Start Date | Start date of the conversation | Standard | Yes |
Start Time | Start time on the conversation | Standard | Yes |
End Date | End date of the conversation | Standard | Yes |
End Time | End time of the conversation | Standard | Yes |
Duration | Length of the conversation | Standard | Yes |
User | Name of the recorded user | Standard | Yes |
From | Subscriber / Third Party Phone number | Standard | Yes |
From Info | User / contact name | Standard | Yes |
To | Subscriber / Third Party phone number | Standard | Yes |
To Info | User / contact name | Standard | Yes |
Direction | Direction of the call from the system perspective, requires configuring internal number/domain patterns | Standard | Yes |
Direction (User) | Direction of the call from the recorded user perspective | Standard | Yes |
From (Verba) | Verba user name associated with the From Number | Standard | Yes |
To (Verba) | Verba user name associated with the To number | Standard | Yes |
Location | Hostname of the recording server | Standard | Yes |
End Cause | Normal, Hold, Transfer, Conference, Device Change, From Terminated, To Terminated | Standard | No |
Audio Codec | Audio codec of the recorded streams | Standard | No |
Video codec | Video codec of the recorded streams | Standard | No |
Platform Call ID | Unique conversation identifier received from the recorded platform | Standard | Yes |
Silence Ratio | Ratio of silence in the conversation | Standard | No |
Talkover Ratio | Talkover ratio of the conversation | Standard | No |
Longest Silence | Length of the longest silence present in the conversation | Standard | No |
User ID / Agent ID | User ID | Standard | Yes |
From Device | Device ID of the calling party | Standard | No |
To Device | Device ID of the called party | Standard | No |
Dialed Number | Original dialed number | Standard | No |
From IP | IP address associated with the calling party | Standard | No |
To IP | IP address associated with the called party | Standard | No |
From Proxy IP | IP address of the proxy server associated with the caller party | Standard | No |
To Proxy IP | IP address of the proxy server associated with the called party | Standard | No |
Source Platform | ACR | Standard | Yes |
Conversation Type | Voice | Standard | Yes |
Forward Reason | Forward reason for the conversation (e.g. forwarded, transferred, team call, delegated, etc.) | Standard | No |
Recording failed | Indicates if the recording has failed and the metadata was imported during CDR reconciliation | Standard | No |
Media Length | Length of the media file related to the conversation in hhh:mm:ss format | Standard | No |
Media Error | Shows the media processing errors during recording | Standard | No |
Voice Quality | Overall voice quality check score for the conversation | Standard | No |
Record Type | Standard | Standard | Yes |
2N Source | In case of duplicate (2N) recording, records are marked as primary or secondary | Standard | No |
UDFs | All standard ACR User Defined Fields | ACR | Yes |
Agents | Customer custom metadata | ACR | Yes |
Services | Customer custom metadata | ACR | Yes |
Skills | Customer custom metadata | ACR | Yes |
Other Parties | Customer custom metadata | ACR | Yes |
Fingerprint | Customer custom metadata | ACR | Yes |