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Configuration Parameter Name


Sample Value

Recorder connection \ Listening Port

API port used with the Verba passive recording service.11111
Recorder connection \ Secure Listening PortAPI port over TLS used with the Verba passive recording service.11112
Recorder connection \ Certificate File Path Path to the certificate file used by the recorder proxy service to establish the TLS connection with the passive recorder service. Supported file format: X.509. You can use your own, self-signed certificate.c:\verba.crt
Recorder connection \ Certificate Authority Certificate File PathPath to the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate file. Supported file format: X.509. If you do not have this type of CA certificate, you can use your own, self-signed certificate; in this case leave this setting empty.
Recorder connection \ Private Key File PathPath to the private key file used by the recorder proxy service to establish the TLS connection with the passive recorder service. Supported file format: X.509.c:\verba.key
Recorder connection \ Private Key File PasswordPassword for the private key file used by the recorder proxy service to establish the TLS connection with the passive recorder service.
Recorder connection \ Authentication UserUser account name to authenticate the passive recorder service accessing the proxy service.verba
Recorder connection \ Authentication PasswordPassword for the user account.
Announcement Service Uris

Assign Call To Recorder only on First RTPIf enabled, calls will only be forked to the recording service when the proxy service receives the first RTP packet. If set to No and there is no RTP for the recorded call, the call will not be recorded at all.No
Call Timeout (sec)Defines the call timeout value in seconds, which is used to terminate the call recording automatically if the last RTP packet is received before this value.60
SIP Uri Modification

Allows to define SIP address manipulation before applying the recording rules. The following valid values apply:

  • Do not modify SIP addresses - this option does not update/manipulate the addresses at all
  • Remove domain part - removes the domain part from addresses
  • Remove domain part for numbers only - removes the domain from addresses only for addresses containing numbers
Remove domain part for numbers only
Enable RTP over TCP Support
Record video calls as audio onlySets wheter the video modality is going to be recorded.No
Recorder Groups and PrioritiesThe recorder groups and the corresponding priorities. For more information see Lync recorder load balancing and failover design



Default Recorder Group PriorityThe default priority of the recorder groups if no priority configured.0
Internal Domain, Numbers Pattern

 A regular expression that defines the internal phone numbers or number ranges to accurately identify the direction of the recorded calls.


In multi-tenant environments, if an internal pattern regular expression is defined in both the environment and Media and the Media Collector and Proxy service configuration, the pattern specified in the environment configuration is used to determine the internal values, not the pattern defined in the Media Collector and Proxy service configuration.

For more information, see Conversation direction detection using internal domain and number patterns.

Record SfB/Lync Application Sharing (RDP)Enables the recording of application and screen sharing.Yes
Record SfB/Lync File TransferEnables the recording of file transfer.Yes
Enable Performance Based Loadbalancing for Recorders
Use Overloaded Recorder as Last Effort
