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Supported unified communication platforms: Cisco, Microsoft Skype for Business, Microsoft Teams

Supported voice announcements: 

  • Cisco: Inbound, Outbound (depending on the ECC profile triggers)
  • Microsoft Skype for Business: PSTN Inbound, PSTN Outbound, Federated Inbound, Federated Outbound, Conference
  • Microsoft Teams: PSTN Inbound, PSTN Outbound, Federated Inbound, Federated Outbound, Internal

The audit log entries are created by the related services:

  • Cisco Announcement Service
  • Lync/SfB Announcement Service
  • Microsoft Teams Bot Service


  • There is no direct link between a recorded conversation and an announcement. Users should use time and participant information to identify the corresponding announcement audit log entry.
  • Not all types of announcement failures are logged because there could be cases when the related announcement service cannot be reached, etc.

The content of this page:

Table of Contents

Configuring audit log for Microsoft Teams announcements

In order to enable the audit log for Microsoft Teams announcements, follow the steps below:

Step 1 - Open the Web Interface and go to the System \ Servers. Alternatively, it can be configured at the profile level, under the System \ Configuration Profiles.

Step 2 - Select the server or the configuration profile of the servers where the Microsoft Teams Bot Service is deployed.

Step 3 - Go to the Change Configuration Settings tab.

Step 4 - Expand the Sfb/Lync Recording Announcement \ General node.

Step 5 - Set the Audit Log Enabled setting to Yes.

Step 6 - Click on the Image Added icon to save the changes.

Step 7 - A notification banner will appear on the top. Click on the click here link, and you will be redirected to the Configuration Tasks tab. Click on the Execute button in order to execute the changes.

Configuring audit log for Microsoft Skype for Business announcements

In order to enable the audit log for Microsoft Skype for Business announcements, follow the steps below:


Step 7 - A notification banner will appear on the top. Click on the click here link, and you will be redirected to the Configuration Tasks tab. Click on the Execute button in order to execute the changes.

Configuring audit log for Cisco announcements

In order to enable the audit log for Cisco announcements, follow the steps below:


Step 7 - A notification banner will appear on the top. Click on the click here link, and you will be redirected to the Configuration Tasks tab. Click on the Execute button in order to execute the changes.

Granting access to the announcement audit log

The audit log is available to users with a role where the the Announcement Audit Log permission  permission is enabled. In order to grant this permission to a user, change one or more of the roles:

Step 1 - Open  Open the Web Interface and go to to Users \ Roles.

Step 2 -  Select  Select the roles you want to change.

Step 3 - Under  Under Administrative Permissions / Announcement, check the the Announcement Audit Log permission permission.

Step 4 - Click on  Click on Save. Changes will be in effect after the next login of the user(s).

Searching and viewing the announcement audit log

The announcement audit log is available under under System \ Announcement \ Audit Log. The page is only available for users with Announcement Audit Log permission (see above).


TimeDate and time of the announcement (start)
Recorded PartyThe party which is configured for recording and announcement
External PartyThe external party to whom the announcement is played

The direction of the announcement:

  • Incoming: the announcement is played for the caller party in an inbound call
  • Outgoing: the announcement is played for the called party in an outbound call
  • Conference: the announcement is played for a conference participant
Prompt File NameThe name of the prompt file used for the announcement
Prompt LengthThe length of the announcement call leg. It does not necessarily match the length of the prompt file, it could be longer than that.
Conference IDThe unique identifier of the conference call. Applies to Skype for Business conference announcements only.
SIP Call IDThe unique SIP call ID of the announcement call leg
SuccessIndicates if the announcement was successfully played or not. The system is not able to create an entry for all announcement failers. There could be cases when there is no entry at all.
Error MessageThe error message received when the announcement is failed


The audit log page allows searching for audit log entries based on the following criteria:


  • Users can find the audit log entry using the search screen by entering filters for time and recorder and/or external party.
  • On the conversation details screen, there is a link on in the top right corner, called called View Announcement Audit Log link link, whihc which redirects the user to the audit log search screen pre-populated with the right search criteria.

Exporting the announcement audit log

The announcement audit log can be exported on the audit log search page which is available under System \ Announcement \ Audit Log. The page is only available for users with Announcement Audit Log permission (see above). On the page, once the audit log entries are displayed, the log can be exported to XLS or PDF by clicking on the corresponding link at the bottom of the page. The page by default only retrieves up to 1000 records, whihc which can be changed as a system-wide configuration.