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The width of a chicklet will depend on its content, with a minimum and maximum limits.
Each chicklet contains:
an icon, which is a smaller version of the corresponding icon on the filter bar,
the chicklet text will be:
In case of a single selection - the selected value (e.g. “Last 24 hours”).
In case of a multiple selection - either the selected values, separated by commas (e.g. “APAC, EMEA”), or, if the text exceeds the maximum width of the chicklet, the name of the filter followed by the number of values in brackets (e.g. “Interactions (3)”). In this case, hovering the chicklet will show a tooltip with the full list of items.In case of a multiple selection - either the selected values, separated by commas (e.g. “APAC, EMEA”), or, if the text exceeds the maximum width of the chicklet, the name of the filter followed by the number of values in brackets (e.g. “Interactions (3)”). In this case, hovering the chicklet will show a tooltip with the full list of items.
a closing icon (x, showing on hover), allowing the user to clear the filter.
If the content of the chicklet exceeds the maximum width, the text will be truncated, ending with an ellipsis (…). In this case, hovering the chicklet will show a tooltip with the full text.
A Clear All icon button will appear after the last chicklet.