All applications built for Verint should allow the above defaults to be automatically changed based on the users specified browser locale (or manual setting if an application allows it). Details of country and region specific conventions are available here.
Many frameworks and libraries (such as Moment.js) offer full and constantly updated internalization features for easy localization of dates and times.
Despite being the conventional standard (and the LUX default) Great Britain and the United States are two of the few places in the world that use a period to indicate the decimal place. Many other countries use a comma instead. Likewise, while the U.K. and U.S. use a comma to separate groups of thousands, many other countries use a period instead, and some countries separate thousands groups with a thin space.
As with Date and Time above, all applications built for Verint should allow the decimal character defaults to be automatically changed based on the users specified browser locale (or manual setting if an application allows it). Details of country and region specific conventions are available here.