Versions Compared


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Lead:  Liav Nadler



  • A slider contains:

    • An axis, representing the range of values

      • In most cases the axis will be horizontal, but it can also be vertical

      • The left (or bottom) area of the axis will be colored, to indicate the selected value

    • A handle, which a user can drag in order to select a value

    • An Increase button at the right end of the slider. If the handle is at the right end of the slider the increase button will be disabled

    • A Decrease button at the left end of the slider. If the handle is at the left end of the slider the decrease button will be disabled

    • In case of discrete values: a set of tick marks, with a fixed distance between them, indicating the possible values

  • The slider may also include:

    • A set of values, ordered from minimum to maximum, for all or some of the range

    • A For a numeric value: a supplemental text field, allowing the user to view the selected value and to change it manually. This is especially relevant to numeric values

    • When dragging: a tooltip on top (or to the side) of the handle, showing the relevant value:


  • In most cases, values will be numbers with a fixed increment between them (e.g. 1, 2, 3… or 5, 10, 15, 20…)

  • Alternatively, values can be textual (e.g. Poor, Fair, Average, Good, Excellent) or based on icons (for example, sentiment indicators)


Focus management - TBD









Focused Hover

Focused Active

Focused Disabled


  • The user can select a value using one of three methods:

  1. Dragging the handle to the desired position (see Drag and Drop). In this case:

    1. If ticks exists, the movement of the handle across the axis will be discrete, along the tick marks

    2. If no ticks exist, the movement will be continuous

    3. If a text field exists, the value will be updated automatically

  2. Clicking the increase or decrease buttons. In this case:

    1. The handle will move to the the next / previous position respectively

    2. If a text field exists, the value will be updated automatically

  3. Entering a value to the text field, if exists. In this case, the handle will move to the relevant position on the axis after moving the focus

  • Mouseover the slider will show a tooltip on the selected value

Validations and errors

  • The slider itself has no error state

  • If a text field exists: typing an invalid value, including illegal characters or out of range values or illegal characters will show an error message. See Field Validation

  • TBD

Best practices

Use a slider when:


Range Slider


A range slider is a variation of the regular slider, allowing users to select a range of values within the total range. In this case:

  • The slider includes two handles. The selected area will appear between the handles

  • The slider will not include increase and decrease buttons

  • The slider may include:

    • Two input fields - one for the minimum value and one for the maximum value

    • Two tooltips A tooltip when dragging - one for each handletooltip showing the range

  • Dragging a handle will be limited by the other handle

Accessibility compliance

<<In general each component should be A11y complied,  please follow the 3 guidelines linked below. At the very least we should document that each component is in compliance with each of the 3>>

Focus management

<<How will the component work with keyboard only - without a mouse. Can be reference if written above

We already set a general guidelines described in /wiki/spaces/UX/pages/308969693 >>

Screen reader support 

<<Make sure the components support screen reader for content or behaviour where needed - see /wiki/spaces/UX/pages/308248620 >>

Contrast & size compliance

<<Visual designers must comply with the minimal of /wiki/spaces/UX/pages/301498483 for each component>>In Focus state for a single range:

  • Using left and right arrows will move the handle accordingly

  • If a supplemental text field exists, typing will enter/update the value

Unless otherwise specified, see our general compliance information in Fundamentals - Accessibility


Zeplin link

Screen thumbnail

<<Short Zeplin link. You
Use this

<<Screen with 200 width>>
