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Lead:  Omer.Glazer (Unlicensed)  



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    Table of Contents


    Lists are continuous, vertical indexes of text and images. 

    titleMore info

    They are composed of items containing primary and supplemental information, which are represented by icons and text.

    They help improve the visual comprehension of the content they hold.

    The component may be part of a page layout as well as popover dialog box.  





    Simple list

    The most common list, a flat collection of objects.

    Checkbox list

    list of options where the user may select multiple options

    Tree list

    a hierarchical list with expanding and collapsing nodes

    Related components

    List components serves many time as a sub component within larger UI components like: Tree list, Drop Down Menu, Multiple selection drop down menu, Drag and drop and Combo box

    Usage & Behaviour

    General guidelines


    a list item can have a leading icon/image or not, it can can have non or up to 2 secondly lines.

    Single-line list

    Two-line list

    Three-line list

    Icon (optional)

    should be used only if the list can contain several types of objects . If all nodes items are of the same type, an icon should not be used.


    Object name + tooltip in case the entire name does not fit.

    Secondly text (optional)

    One or two Secondly text, they should not have their own leading icons.

    Meta data (optional)

    Can be text , tag or an icon. Should be aligned to middle and right side of the list item.

    Action icons (optional)
    Should be aligned to middle and right side of the list item. should appear only on item hover or selected (instead of the meta data if exists)


     Focus, Hover, Selected, Disabled.


    Can include: image, tags, icons, secondary text.

    Internal Logic

    Logical ordering - Lists should be sorted in logical ways that make content easy to scan, such as alphabetical, numerical, chronological, or by user preference

    Choose one of the following styles to order the list:

    • AlphabeticalSort the list items alphabetically if more than 8 select options are available. This helps the user find the right option quickly. Sort currencies, names, and similar content alphabetically.

    • Numeric:Sort numeric values into a sequential order, with the lowest number first.

    • Chronological:Sort time-related information into chronological order, with the most recent first.


    • Mouseover an item will highlight the row and show a checkbox or action icons if exist.

    • Clicking a single list item will select it.

    • Clicking a checkbox will select / deselect the relevant item

    • You can click on the entire label

    • Click on the node item label (+counter) will select the nodeitem.

    • When the label is truncated (node item name), hovering over it will show a tooltip with the full label


    1. Single select: One item of the list can be selected. To select an item, click anywhere on the item row. Always keep one item selected. For single selection, this is the preferred mode.

    2. Smart selection: Single or multiple selection in a single interaction.

    3. Multiple selections: Allow the selection of one or more items. For this, the list provides checkboxes on the left side of each line item. Each item is selected independently of the others

    Single Selection

    Multiple Selection Mode

    Smart Selection

    Single selection is activated by selecting the node item label.

    Selecting the node item label will select the node item and un-select previously selected nodeitem.

    On mouse hover a nodeitem, a check box is displayed. If the user checks it he is placed in a multi selection mode. Multi selection mode can also be activated by using Ctrl/Shift while selecting the node item label.

    • Mouseover a row will change it to hover state

    • Clicking a row will select that row, deselecting any other rows

    • The user can multi-select rows in one of two ways:

      • Checking and unchecking the relevant checkboxes

      • Clicking rows while pressing the Ctrl (or CMD) key


    wide lists/long tables - sticky areas. When the user scrolls, the title and the filter info bar


    should stick to the top of the surrounding layout container

    Mouse wheel should work on scroll.

    תמונה של סקרול Itay lapid (Unlicensed)

    Best practices

    • Use data lists when

      • A flexible layout is more important than arranging information in a grid

      • You want to include active support relevant content like a chartcharts

      • Content displayed may vary between rows

    • Don’t use

      • For a more complex and longer lists grouping and categorisation can be applied (see Tree view)

      • For more complex items with multiple attributes that should be displayed use Data Tables

    Other principles

    • Actionable - Lists present content in a way that makes it easy to identify a specific item in a collection and act on it.

    • Searchable- When a list is really long (more than the visible container)and a slider scroller is displayed beside the list . the sorting and the grouping alone are not sufficient and search should be applied (see search)

    Accessibility compliance

    • Each component should be A11y complied,  please follow the 3 guidelines linked below. At the very least we should document that each component is in compliance with each of the 3

    Focus management

    We already set a general guidelines described in Keyboard & Focus Management Guidelines

    Screen reader support

    Make sure the components support screen reader for content or behavior where needed - see Screen Reader Guidelines


    Zeplin link

    Screen thumbnail

    <<Short Zeplin link. You
    Use this

    <<Screen with 200 width>>


    <<a box containing the code - discuss with Femi>>