Progress indicators don do not support user interaction, they are solely used to provide a visual status indicator.
Best practices
Don’t stop a progress barindicator - A progress bar indicator makes users develop an expectation for how fast the action is being processed. As a result, any unexpected freezes will be noticed and will impact user satisfaction. The worst possible case is when a progress bar indicator approaches 99% and suddenly stops. Most users will be frustrated by this behavior behaviour because it makes them think the app is frozen. There is a simple solution — you You can disguise small delays in your progress bar indicator by moving it instantly and steadily.
Explain why the user is waiting - Many times, if If users are informed, they may be more patient. It can be helpful to add additional clarity by including text that tells the user what is happening or explains why the user is waiting.
Provide a general time estimate for time-consuming tasks - Don’t try to be exact, a simple, “this might take five minutes” can be enough for the users and encourage them to wait it out.
Accessibility compliance
A progress barindicator indicates that the user's request is received and is in the process of executing the task. Content authors should provide values of aria-valuemin, aria-valuemax and aria-valuenow where the aria-valuemax is known. Further guidelines for optimum compliance can be found at ARIA progressbar role.
Focus management
Progress bars indicators are a purely visual indicator that contains no user interaction and therefore cannot be focused on.