Versions Compared


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Table of Contents




Field Validations are a way of talking to our users. It is designed to make the user understand a mistake and the ways to correct it.  


  • Back - returns the focus to the field with the last used input 

  • Revert - returns the focus to the field with the latest valid input (the one before the user changed it)

    See pop-up example:


The field validation consists of:

  • Color frame or  & a Small  icon on the top right corner - marks the validation type

  • A  validation tooltip message appears upon hover of the validated field/component 

  • A descriptive message next to the submit button

    • Error messages have a higher priority than warning. In case the error was fixed, the warning validation should be presented.

    • In some cases of limited space or a short form, no descriptive message will appear





Text field

Text area

Dropdown menu

Combo box (free text field)

Spinner (free text field)

Date Picker (free text field)

Time Picker (free text field)

Search field






Single checkbox


Checkbox group

Grid table cell


Call To Action with short text

(warning) on Error validation button is disabled

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Call To Action with mixed errors

(warning) error takes priority

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Call to action with long text.

(warning) Pop-up size might need to expand in height

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 *  Unlike "field validation error" the warning version can appear on top of controls that does not have a text field, since a warning can appear when there is a conflict between 2 controls. 


  • Descriptive text near the CTA (e.g. Submit)

    • If only 1 field didn't pass validation, the text near the CTA should be the same as the tooltip 

    • If multiple fields didn't pass validation of the same type, the text near the CTA should be "X warnings found" <<TBD with Docs.>>
      For example:

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    • If both Warning and Error are found, the text should address the Error

  • In general

    • Specify why field info was not accepted - your validation messages should tell users exactly why their information got rejected or may have some risk

    • If the values entered may impact some other part of the system, briefly explain what may be impacted

  • Keep it short!





1 or more rows of text right to the icon of validaton

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Partial coverage of control

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User can still click the control

Left position

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Some cases allow the user to auto-correct the entered input - Validation applies in the background.


  • 2 options for the content of the error message:

    • Generic 
      The content of the message is written in advance and there is no need to refer to the specific text that the user typed, for EX: "not a valid zip code" 

    • Input based ( (warning) Preferred option where applicable)
      The content of the message can dynamically change based on the input of the user, use it to clarify to the user where the error is coming from.
      Some examples:

      •  Invalid input → zip code cannot contain the spacial character: "%"

      • You cannot book this flight, please select another destination or date → Direct flights to Dublin are only available in August. Please select another destination or date 

  • For complicated fields, an example in the text of the tooltip can help

  • Try to avoid negative words

    • (e.g. "Password does not meet requirements" or "Invalid Password" → could be turned into→ "Password must contain 8 alphanumeric characters")


Accessibility compliance



<<a box containing the code - discuss with Femi>>
