Verint uses Inter, a typeface carefully crafted & designed for computer screens. As part of our font stack (and a necessary fallback for situations where Inter cannot be used), we use the industry standardised sans-serif typeface, Arial. It has been carefully chosen to meet Verint's needs as a global technology company and design principles.
Font stack
Our font-stack has been optimized to run on the majority of devices, operating systems, web browsers and character sets with the use inclusion of web safe fonts.
Code Block | ||
| ||
font-family: 'Inter', Arial, sans-serif; |
The font can be downloaded for use in Verint applications here: Verint LUX Font.zipLUX applications can be downloaded here.
Type Scale
REMs are a way of setting font-sizes based on the font-size of the root HTML element. They also allow you to quickly scale an entire project by changing the root font-size (for example at a certain media query/screen size). For a more in depth rationale of why we have chose to use rem units, see https://engageinteractive.co.uk/blog/em-vs-rem-vs-px.