See also: Data Tables
Lead: Liav Nadler Status colour Yellow title ongoing
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Because it is also the most complex, this page will describe the Customize Columns popup.
Usage & Behaviour
- The right and left buttons are disabled until the user selected at least one item: selecting items on the right enables the left button, and vice versa
- The up and down buttons are disabled until the user selected at least one item on the Selected Columns list:
- Selecting the top item will enable only the down button, and vice versa
- Selecting the bottom item will enable only the up button
- Selecting any other items item will enable both the up and down buttons
- If the table contain columns that are mandatorycannot be removed or reordered, the equivalent relevant items on the selected columns list will be shown show as disabled. The user will not be able to select or move these items (see Interaction below)
- Mouseover an item triggers hover state
- Clicking the Restore Defaults button restores the dialog box to its original state, before any changes were made to the columns list
- Clicking an item selects it. The user can select more than one item on the list, using the Ctrl (or Command) key for discrete selection, or the Shift key for a block selection. Toggle buttons?
- Selecting items on a list deselects all the items on the other list
- The user can move selected items between lists using one of two methodsways:
- Clicking the right or left button between the lists
- Using drag and drop
- After the items were moved they remain selected until the user selects other items
Locking columns (optional)
- The user can lock the first column any column on the selected columns list by clicking the lock pin icon, shown on the first item of the selected columns listhover. In this case:
- The icon changes from idle to selected state
- The item moves to the top of the list
- The item cannot be moved or dragged: drag indicator disappears and arrow buttons are disabledcan be ordered only inside the group of locked items
- On the actual table the locked column is columns are anchored to the left, and . Locked items can not be movedbe reordered only inside the group of locked items
- The user can unlock the column by clicking the lock icon again